A Gift, A Life
As the sun began its ascent, I found myself nestled upon the loneliest bench in Livingson Valley Park. But this stillness was abruptly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of three people in sharp, matching black suits and brown portmanteaus. Two of them stayed near the park's entrance, and the third occupied the space beside me on the bench. Before I could fully fathom the situation, the figure, whom I will refer to as Mr. Unk (shortened for Unknown), leaned in, disturbing the peaceful morning mood.
"A splendid Sunday morning, wouldn't you agree?" he asked.
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"Yes... Um... I am a bit confused..." I was interrupted.
"I can sense your heightened perplexity."
"Heightened? What do you mean by heightened? I was sitting merrily in this comfortable little nook until you, Men in Black, strolled into the park!"
"Aren't you already perplexed because of your choices and decisions? Come on, you must agree. It is life, perplexing and confusing." he said as a monk.
Mr. Unk glanced at his companions and then conveyed a subtle message with a gesture before resuming, "Furthermore, I detect a hint of both unease and anger in your tone at this moment: a touch of 'Who are they?' blended with a dash of 'Who do they believe themselves to be?' Am I on the right track?"
"Frankly, I couldn't care less. I'm abandoning this cozy spot to walk across the park. Feel free to do whatever you please. Just give me a heads up if things turn destructive; I'd prefer to be at a distance."
"Our purpose for coming here revolves around you."
"For me?"
"What's your intention involving me?"
"We are part of a classified team called 'The Granters Vol. II'. We'll present you with two options, and then fulfill the one you choose."
"What happened to 'The Granters Vol. I'?"
"It seems they got seriously confused, and a confused team of Granters is equivalent to not having them."
"Seems lucrative; do proceed." I gave a smirk.
"So here's the proposition: You have two alternatives: 'A Gift' or 'A Life'."
(after opening a piece of rolled paper, he continued)
Opting for the "Gift" would transform you into an unparalleled maestro in your chosen field. Your impact would resonate across years, earning admiration from future generations. Your name would naturally become synonymous with excellence whenever the subject arises. However, this path might lead you down a solitary path, shrouded in wit and cynicism, driven by an unapologetic ego. You would find yourself holding back from investing precious time in others, fearing that such investments might divert you from your goal. The concept of a "perfect life," a fundamental human aspiration, might remain out of reach.
Opting for "Life" grants you the "perfect existence" – a decent career, an extraordinary family, minimal societal woes, and the ability to forge remarkable friendships. Yet, therein lies the catch: anonymity envelopes you, a nameless entity amid the masses."
After a brief pause, he asked - "So, which one would you choose? It cannot both."
"Neither", I replied calmly.
"Have you truly pondered this? I can offer more time. Should I return in a few days?"
"No, I have made my decision."
"I must admit, it's a bit perplexing. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, yet I struggle to see any positives in your choice."
"Rather than embracing extremes, I'm choosing to excel as much as possible in both. While I might not be the foremost name in a particular field, I can strive to be one of the prominent figures. On the other side, I can get or cause heartbreaks, and I might find myself entangled in several life-related problems. Yet, with each instance, I'm dedicated to continuous personal improvement with my commitment. This is my life – I aspire to enhance both aspects and extract the utmost from it."
I could see an evident confusion on his face. I stood up and took a few steps toward the exit. Immediately, I turned back and retraced the steps to Mr. Unk.
"See how the tables have turned. Your perplexion is conspicuous. Anyhow, before I leave, I would say two things. First, I was not astonished - I wondered why you guys would come back to me, albeit knowing my answer. Second, look into the old folders and look for the final case of "The Granters Vol. I"; it might help clear your confusion and prevent the dissolution of the Vol. II. Never see you again."
Mr. Unk sat there contemplating the response he just heard.
Siba Smarak Panigrahi
(Modified on 6 Feb 2025)
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