Job at Flarencia

I was assigned to kill the absolutely dangerous, creepy mad scientist, Dr. Gretin. To provide context, his inventions have always been regarded with the highest praise by those who engage in horrible acts against humanity. I am the most successful member of the S-Community, which works to protect people. Locating him was the easiest task. He was behind two vacant double-storeyed buildings at Flarencia. I generally go with my work partner to this kind of dirty work. However, since he had called in sick today, I was with a newbie, Warren. We were watching from the bridge on the first floor, between the two buildings. He was just standing beside me, listening to all the technical stuff Dr. Gretin was blabbering to his assistant. It was easy to deduce that the assistant was also having difficulty comprehending the lecture. ‘This umbrella is secure. Outside? Highly insecure. Anyone not beneath the umbrella is within my control. This prototype is for a limited radius, but imagine, if I coul...