Take A Break - Mountaineering

Take A Break - Mountaineering

I found myself holding a branch. The branch, I thought was the only hope I had to survive this situation. Situation? Yes, exactly I was trapped in a grave situation. My friends were way ahead of me, they were no more visible to the naked eye. I was afraid to look down, and find some other means of escape. The stakes were high - they were closing to the pinnacle of Mt. Kana. The chest harness was tightening. It was making difficult to breathe. 

Just before slipping, I opened my rope in the hope, that it would act as a hook. When I had started climbing, I had tied that rope to my waist. The rope and the branch were my only hope. If somehow the knots loosen, or a huge gust of chilly wind strikes - I had a very slim chance to catch up to friends. I thought they were not experts, but it seems quite the contrary. 

I was an intern in a firm. I was the third-highest scorer among the six interns selected. We all were assigned a particular work to complete. I was not much interested, but since all my friends back in the institute were applying for this firm, I applied too - you know, moving with the crowd. 
They all said, once you would complete the internship, your resume would shine like gold. 
Out of six, three were from my institute only, haha! I just got lucky, I guess, to beat some of the top brains to get this - seriously, they should have been selected rather than me!

Since the upcoming weekend was the last of the first month, our manager gave us a holiday extension of three more days - we now had a free period from Friday to Wednesday. And these ingenious friends of mine came with the brilliant idea of competing to reach some pinnacle.  I was not exactly interested at first, I just had gone once for rock climbing, back in my village, which was nothing compared Mt. Kana. 
Why did they select Mt. Kana? Obviously, it was the tallest in the locality. Shekhar started to climb Mt. Kana, and with the same mentality, we all followed him. 

Once we reach Mt. Kana's top, we can boast our achievement, back in institute.

My hand was losing the grasp slightly. I had no idea, what to do next. Rocks and ice falling down - avalanche. Was an avalanche at all necessary? Was I not already in danger? It was speeding down towards me as if it today this was the rage of God, descended upon Mt. Kana to gobble me up. For a moment, I was frozen completely, partly because of the surrounding altitude and temperature, and partly because of not finding any escape from the surmounting danger.

I closed my eyes, tried taking a deep breath. I realized this was exactly my situation back in the institute - I would do something, just because they are into it, not completely interested, might be getting a head start, but ultimately finding myself in an inescapable scenario. 

Why should not do something, which piques my interest?

Paragliding Sport Paraglider - Free photo on Pixabay

I opened my eyes, looked beneath my stance, saw a smaller mountain, and its top - did a bit of calculation. I looked up - saw the ice waves rushing towards me, took out the knife, cut the rope, jumped, and opened the parachute. I saw the branch being smashed till it broke. I landed safely on the other mountain's top - took out my phone from the backpack, took a selfie, as proof. I walked back to the base, and texted Shekhar - 
I won! You never said which mountain top. It was you who started climbing Mt. Kana. Will meet you back in institute. 
I called Mr. Richard, the head of the hiring committee for the firm, where I actually wanted to work. Though this firm was not as huge as this one but had a special place in its own domain.
"Is the position still open?"
"Yes sir, glad that you called today!"
"Can I join?"
"Welcome aboard sir! You can join us on Monday."

A smile came. I signed the resignation letter and submitted it to the manager - thank goodness they had this rule, that you can leave us in the first month! 
Later, I was awarded the best intern by Mr. Richard.

"It is not necessary that you reach the pinnacle of the mountain, which almost everyone around you is pursuing, take a break, look around, find the pinnacle which you truly desire to touch - who knows, you may become the first one to hoist your flag there!"

(Side Note - Sir Kana was the first one to reach the top of Mt. Kana, and I first reached the top of that smaller mountain, the locals now refer it after my name!)

- Siba Smarak Panigrahi

(This story holds a personal value and special place for me. I would dedicate this amazing piece to my mother - Snigdha Panda, and father Ramakanta Panigrahi. They have always helped me in all possible ways, whenever I am out on a new venture, and have shed light on the correct path. I am nothing without them.

I would also like this to be a dedication to all the closest friends I have - BD Group😂, Mac(h+k)ayenge group🙇‍♂️. But a special mention to my roommates Raushan Sharma and Subhadeep Das. Apart from them Sagnik RoyJaaneshwaran Arulmozhi and Rajkumar Bunkar)


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