Lost : A Suspense Writer's Break Up Version


I was on the fifth floor. Morning time. I saw the wristwatch. Brown dull stripes. It was dust, or that was the design I have no idea. It was striking quarter past five. Does anyone wake up this early in the winters? I have seen none here. To introduce myself - I create suspense plots. I have a blog even, where I post these plots! I was wearing slippers, to be specific, bathroom slippers. I felt that the other hand contained a sanitizer, and I came out of oblivion.

The mist had thickened. The buildings that were visible from the current stance were concealed in white. The winds though were quite lovable. It could definitely mean cold and cough, and I never wanted to catch any of those early in the semester. Four months are there, and I should reserve certain experiences to enjoy near the exam days if you feel what I mean?!

The surrounding was becoming darker white. I wished for a miracle. I knew that it was a holiday. I found it quite difficult to retrace my steps back to my room. If you would take say a mere twenty steps you could definitely reach. But I sort of felt uneasy moving in that thick mist. It followed actually from a very bad experience. When I was a child of seven, I walked in the mist for the first time. We were in the forest, and I got separated from my parents. I could hear them shouting out loud my name. But location, I couldn't determine. I thought what if I could assume the direction and then if I start moving far from, the loudness would decrease. I started moving forward, the direction I was looking at. After walking say, some ten steps I realized that the sound has become a bit feeble now. I turned back and straight walked back to near about the start spot. I then took steps, to the right, and suddenly I crashed my stomach with the trunk of the tree. A shriek followed which helped my parents to locate me!

So, I decided it is for my benefit only, I must stay there, and should never walk randomly. The mist must be visible enough, say ten minutes later, and then I can easily go back. I waited, complete silence, I looked at my watch, and it was now even more difficult to take the time too! I heard a bark, yeah, a dog probably smelt me. I stood still, I hear this time the bark quite close to me. Nonetheless, I had no intention to displace myself. Something moved near me, I could feel that. The dog must have gone past me. It was worthy to note that, it could locate where I was, and then change the direction. I on the other side was unable to achieve that feat.

The mist was not in the mood to help my vision. I had to go back to the room, I had only some four hours of sleep. I wanted more. I hatched a plan. I would swing my hands slowly, and they would sort of steer me. I swung my right hand, and boom, it hit one of the pillars. Ouch! That hurts. I steered left. Twenty steps passed, I must have at least reached a room, if not mine. I swung my left hand, and right hand, nothing hit them. Where was I? On the edge of the floor, what would happen if I take a step forward? Amongst these crazy thoughts, I heard heavy footsteps. It felt they were approaching me. Would they hurt me?

I saw that my towel was loosening. I tightened it. The footsteps suddenly came to a halt. Something clicked, and I realized that it was a gun. A gun? How could someone bring a gun to a student's hostel? I cursed the mist. I cursed as many words I had ever heard in life. But there was no gunshot. I stopped cursing. Was he unable to have my exact point to shoot? He could come close enough and take a shot - he should try to swing hands like me, I burst into a small, quick laugh. That was enough help.

"There you are!" and he fired. The bullet missed me. But the fear that I was close enough to the end of the floor was true. My feet slipped, and I fell down. Dreams are bad sometimes. Damn bad. I was sweating heavily. I had a sweater, gloves, socks and a muffler on my body. I looked around and I saw there was thick mist outside. I took out the sanitizer and opened the room door. This had been a repetition for the third straight time. I would wake up from the exact same bad dream. This all happened after she left two days ago. I dearly loved her. I never thought that she would leave me.

There was a crowd around me. I blinked twice. I was in the fest of a college. There was a black banner titled "I Never Had...". There was a lot of crazy stuff written by adolescents, you know - kiss, hook up... It took a fraction of a minute to understand the state of affairs. I came there to write "I never had thought she would leave me" and then went into the above thought process. People gathered to see what I was doing there. Mischief came into my mind, I looked at the crowd, smiled, opened the cap, and changed the title to "I Never Would..." and walked out, leaving the crowd in a state of humor, surprise and confusion.

(P.S. It now read "I Never Would Kiss" or "I Never Would Hook Up" rather than "I Never Had Kiss" or "I Never Had Hook Up"! Felt pretty bad for those guys who had written those stuff on the black banner)

Siba Smarak Panigrahi


  1. Do share in few words (in comments) - what's the version of your break up story (if you want)?!
    (P.S. The crowd's reaction, could greatly be appreciated, if you were a part of that crowd - who knew nothing of the thought process, and suddenly see a guy simply changing the banner's title's context from "Past" to "Future"! 😂😂😂)


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