What If All My

What If All My

This question must have come to your mind - when you took your first flight. I had at least. What if the floor of the washroom just opens up! The sound, remember?!
It all began with this. I was on a flight back to Bhubaneswar from Mumbai. I had recently done a research internship, and hell excited to come back to Bhubaneswar. Everything was normal. I woke up at five, though throughout last week, I had woke up, at least 7! Better for me. My flight was at 12.
Thirty minutes later, I felt to use the washroom. I stood up from the seat and started walking down the aisle. I reached the washroom opened it. Job completed. I saw the flush button - pressed it.
There was that sound, I smiled, the floor opened, I was in mid-air.
'Aaaah!' shrieked I.
'Holy crap' shrieked again. I was accelerating, my body was getting warm, hot, fired. There was fire all around me. Damn, what was happening? Well, I suddenly realized, I had a parachute. I didn't remember putting on the back while I went to use the washroom, but that was the only hope.
'Shoot' the words came out from the mouth, but the umbrella thing, nope. I pulled again, but no use.
'Aaaah' shrieked I.
I feared what would happen, if I land on a bunch of rocks, straight back up to the sky. Well, that would quite be a phenomenon. I prayed to God, and the environment became cool. Wow, did I land somewhere nice?
I looked at my poor body, there were rashes all over. But thank God, I had landed in a…wait a minute, in stagnant water? I checked, yeah, a pool, the large pond would be better, a lake. Whatever, I was in the middle. At least I would be safe here. I could see a forest at a distance. 
'Oh! Holy crap. Is that a snake?' said I to myself.
'Is that an anaconda?' I panicked.
I wanted to just rush out. Seeing no other option I ran to the forest. The conda too followed stealthily. I ran as fast as I could. Saw a cottage. Knocked. No response. No patience. I busted in. There was a window near the door. I peeped out, the anaconda was going back. 
I heard some footsteps out. I again peeped through the window. Two kids were there. After so much hell, I finally got the look of God's gift. Beautiful they were. As no one came to open the door, I went to the door. At that very instant, there came someone from the top. I concealed myself under the curtain. I pulled it down a bit so that my dirty shoes get hid from his eyesight too.
He opened the door, called them in. Took his axe, chopped off their head. 
'Shit!' came out of my mouth
I saw him turning towards me. 'Who's there?' Shouted he. He looked ugly, a cannibal I suppose. I had the least of time to ponder. I thrashed the glass pane jumped out of it. He threw a spear at me. Wait, who uses a spear now, even modern cannibals don't!
It just escaped me.
The sky was turning dark. I felt I should search for a shelter. There was nothing near to be seen, but my eyes got hold of a lighthouse. I thought it was a walk of an hour. I was tired. I thought maybe someone could be there who might help me for the night. My stomach was making noises. Since breakfast, I had no food but had run much for a day. And I was fat!
I slowly started walking through the jungle.
Not again, some animals, wolves maybe? A howl confirmed the suspicion. I really wanted to run but had no energy. I heard the howl this time quite near me and had to run. I had to dine, not become someone's dinner!
I reached the door of the lighthouse. Stood outside for around five minutes. I took a number of deep breaths. I hoped not to see some sailor's ghost or dead body inside. And exactly I saw a dead body as I walked in. He had been stabbed, brutally. His clothes were drenched with blood and the knife was few feet away from his body. I thought it to be harmless. Went up. Lied down. I wanted badly a nap. I had the thought to first get out of this place, I had a phone, and register a complaint to the authorities. How could they be so much careless? This is no fun, right? 
I yawned, and the next I felt was not sleepy. I tried to close my eyes, but never felt sleepy. No idea. Complete zero. Ok, then I would do something. I planned the way out.
I took out my phone, lost all hope. It was totally damaged, and I was stuck. I heard some grunting down. I stood up.
Someone walked upstairs, banging his feet on each step, pretty hard. This was intense. My hands were shivering like hell. I searched for anything as defense, all I got were knobs and switches. Technology hurts sometimes.
The door creaked, and I saw the greatest fear of mine - a zombie. There was that dark fluid dripping from his jaws, a lot of bones exposed, had huge nails on his body. I shrieked the hell loud as I could. I was silenced then.
My eyes opened. I was on the flight, apparently sleeping. I realized I had some time or other dreamt of these fearful situations happening. 
I rubbed my eyes, there were a pen and a pad on my lap. 
There was a title on it, "What If All My".

Siba Smarak Panigrahi


  1. Someone once told me, a story is a story when it has details. You got it brother. Nice.👍

    1. Thank you man for your encouragement! Check back on 12-01-2020

  2. One hell of a first ride lol

  3. Good.... you are not in the first flight.. very much comfortable... enjoy...

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for your feedback...Check others , may be you find them not too cliche!


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