Stuck, Will

Stuck, Will

I had to go up. Stairs - worse idea. Better I would take the lift. I had to go to the floor marked 'two', and as it seemed I was on the ground floor. So you might suppose, stairs is not that a bad idea for a young lad of nineteen. But the plan of the building was such that there was a floor marked 'M' between the ground and floor one. Now, why? Simply they could have named it one! The answer is there if you just visit the building!
So I pressed the button 2, and the lift opened. See my luck - time was 10 PM, I had to go to floor 2, the number of people in the building, less than fifty I suppose. Better would have been if I would have been coming down to the ground floor, there were guards there. I entered the lift, the door shut.
I had promised myself, I would complete the assignment. Instead, I simply was indulged in some non-sense chats with friends. I don't say they are undesirable, but as long they are contained within a time gap. I had been talking with them since seven, three hours straight! Fruitful decisions of the talks - nil. I thought always, let me talk for fifteen more minutes, I have the whole night to complete the task. And just before going back to sleep, I would realize, indeed it was completely wrong to have the thought that I had the whole night.
The floor viewer was showing two. The worst fact inside a lift is the connectivity. How poor! I thought of bringing my assignment, and complete it inside the lift, but revoked since it doesn't seems practical. The response of the lift was slow. I generally wait for 10 seconds nearly before it opens. I took a deep breath, my mind had formed an opinion - I would watch a short comedy clip, at 10.30 PM sharp I would start the assignment. Twenty seconds passed, the lift didn't open. I was worried a bit but waited.
I remembered how I had watched some random movies - I don't want to name here. But better for me would have been, if I would have solved the question that a junior had asked me. I had promised her to give the solutions in the evening, but I had failed. That was too bad, she would believe that I was unable to solve it. I would then try to consolidate my position with some better similar questions, but late as usual. I had cultivated that bad habit, and I dearly was ashamed.
I thought there was some minor problem in the lift. I thus decided to let me, check the questions, so that if they are easier than suspected, then I would send the solution by giving hints only. I scrolled the chat up - there were three questions. I tried them in mind, and boom, one was solved orally, I messaged back the hint. Two minutes had gone, now this was bad. I never wanted this to happen with me. I had to complete the assignment. They would at least take me an hour, and I doze off at about midnight. It was already 10.03 in the watch. I banged, the first activity, any random person would do in such a situation. Once, twice, thrice, four times I banged as loud as possible. I cried for help, but no one came near it. I heard no footsteps.
Before going out for dinner, I remember, there were three guys talking on some stuff related to Cryogeny. I had nothing to do with them, but how dearly I wished now that they would listen to me. 'Will' cries like this when I sit together with the movies or phone for a long time, and it had become a part of daily chore - sit and watch movie, listen to the cry of 'Will' before dozing off, curse yourself realizing your act, sleep, wake up, then finally come back to square one. Ten minutes had passed, there was no fan there, only light. I pressed the call button, but it was too broken. I was feeling kind of suffocating after twelve minutes, I wished I had taken the stairs.
Will, dearest of all. If he is on his foot, nobody can even dare to disturb me. Everyone has this friend, but we rarely ever talk with him. 

I thought maybe, the lift hasn't reached the floor 2, but just below, it might have stopped - that's why it's not opening. Immediately, I pressed the ground button, it worked! Brilliant! There was electricity. It moved down. This time, if it doesn't open, then I was sure someone was outside to help.
I came out of the box, 10.16 PM sharp. I registered the complaint at the register. I realized, it was Will, who would remain by my side always, and I should make the most out of this friendship. I looked at the guard - he smiled. I smiled back, I took the stairs - wise decision. 
Will helped me to reach where I am, and this incident had been the turning point.

I am not good at expressing. But hopefully, they got their headlines for tomorrow. I closed my eyes and thanked both Stuck, and Will. This was my first interview with these guys. The interview concluded. People applauded, I had given a good answer. I was more than satisfied. I am now one of those who create headlines.

Siba Smarak Panigrahi
(Original release date 13 Jan 2020)


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