What Was That?

What Was That?

A shrill cry echoed in the mist.
I braked suddenly. Had I taken a wrong turn? No, that can't be. I had driven through this since I was twenty. Before that, I had no courage.
But the mist was never this thick. At least I was able to know where there is a stone, where there are trees. Today, I don't know what had happened to it. I came out of my car. It belonged to my boss. Ten years old, mandatory repairment every three days. Why the heck wouldn't he buy a new one? I always had a dream to drive a Ford, but no, he would give me this second-hand car of his to drop his children. They must have been frustrated by now. Right?!
Whatever, I locked the vehicle and walked towards the cry, it sounded like a masculine voice.
These misty moors, hide a lot more than it is hidden from the eyes!
I took the stony path to the top. I switched on the flashlight, but alas, it had been drained. Excessive use, I suppose. Without a flashlight, I am a tiny little mouse! I thought of going back, but that voice ringed still in my ears. I looked up, there was mist. I looked back, there was mist. Mist and mist. I gained courage, which I had done when I was twenty.
I improved my focus, and I could observe an entrance, though a small one. Realizing someone could have been trapped there, I rushed towards it. Outside, I saw a mat, half-torn, other half drenched with blood. That made no sense at all, but I became more cautious.
The door creaked as I gave a little push. Inside the room, I saw nothing, but warm that was. I felt relieved. The transition of the environment temperature from one extreme to other gives me a sense of relief. I started a search for any possible form of life, but lizards and cockroaches only met my sight. Oh! there were ants too!
 I climbed down the steps and found two more doors. One was open and rusted, and the other was closed. I peeped into the open one, nothing was there. I took a deep breath. I took a few strides towards the second one. As soon as I opened, I saw a person there. He was half-drenched with blood and had one eye absent. Oh! What a ghastly image! Not knowing what was going on, I shrieked! And instantly he vaporized and I was locked. I looked back to open the door, but everything was a singularity, black surrounded me, I was shocked. I was much more shocked to realize that I could not open my mouth. When I tried, all my effort was in vain.
I waited, I don't know how long. Well you know time varies. I heard footsteps approaching. The door near me opened. and then my door creaked - yeah, I could now see the door, and someone too. I saw Watson! He looked at me and shrieked as loud as possible. I vanished in front of his eyes.

Oh! How much I wanted to get out of this hell! How much! I had a vehicle, I had its key too. But it was futile, no matter how much I tried. I knew this place since I was twenty.
You know what, my name is Watson.

Siba Smarak Panigrahi


  1. What a flow man. Really gets you to wait for it. And doesn't disappoint. Awesome.

    1. Thank you so much! Hope you enjoy upcoming such short ones!

  2. Very nicely described n well written

  3. I remember this from the HSS Lab but this time...I understood it better...Good one bro !!

    1. Thank you for remembering! That time it was verbal also! Thank you for checking it out , do check on Wednesdays, new short stories added!


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