For I am Dead For Her

Aloof from her, hid my tears
Left alone, she was there
At her house
I was there, near her house.

Light was there, even in the darkest night
Song was there, even in the melancholic sights
The past haunted me,
The present never left me
Future was a distant call.

She had passed those days,
For I was with fire.
I was dead for her, but I was alive
In her heart
In my heart.

There were mere people
With me
But I would be left alone.

The fires would die out,
I would be peeping at her.
She would be gazing,
But neither of us talk, nor smile,
She would be shedding those drops.

I have a cloth,
But alas! It's of no use.
For I am dead for her,
For I am dead for you.
Siba Smarak Panigrahi


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I would publish one more poetry in month of February - do check!

  2. i can feel the words hit my bones trust me...great one✨🤍

  3. dis poems has vry vry muchly touched my hart ..... dear sir u has a gr8 skill to r8 the words .. lovely litreture !!!!


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